What are the main reasons for refusing an insurance claim?

  • Non-disclosure – you have not disclosed information when you applied for or renewed your policy.


  • Operation of a condition or exclusion clause – you have failed to comply with an insurer’s requirement or the policy does not cover the loss


  • Fraud – the insurer believes you have acted fraudulently in some way. In serious cases where there is strong evidence of fraud, the matter may be reported to the police for further investigation and you may be charged with an offence. Insurers are always on the lookout for fraud. To avoid being investigated, be cooperative and provide all relevant details and evidence (e.g. witnesses, photos)


  • Policy cancellation – Insurance Companies have the right to cancel insurance policies in the middle of the period of insurance cover, by sending a fourteen days-notice by registered letter to the insured at his last known address. This may be done in response to additional information provided by you that increases the insurer’s risk to an unacceptable level.


  • Failure to pay the premium for the policy.

Tags: cancellation, fraud, non disclosure, refuse

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