What is a ‘No Claim Confirmation’ and why is needed?

All insurance companies usually maintain database that contains records of their consumers and their insurance history. This information is also used for the benefit of other insurance companies when they ask for a 'No Claim Confirmation'. Requesting a 'No Claim Confirmation' is a legal right of insurance companies and the other insurance company shall respond to any such request within 15 days, providing the first with all the information about the insurance history of their consumer. This means that if you did not disclose your previous insurance claims when you applied for insurance, insurance companies can find this out by contacting your previous insurance company. Insurance companies may access information in your Insurance history particularly when you apply for insurance, when you make an insurance claim and/or you have a disputed claim.


In addition, if you win a disputed claim it is important to check your report afterwards to see what, if anything has been recorded on your file.

Tags: no claim confirmation, records

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